written and  directed by François Carlier, Erdman Doumbé,
Jonathan Bricheux & Léo Lefrançois

Belgique - 2017-2018
4x circa 05:00, FHD, color, vo FR
AperoHit &  JustMakeIt

2019 • Projection at Hip Hop belge 2.0 - Bruxelles - BE

The first part of this serie follows Absolem, a young artist
from Liège. Over the course of four episodes, we discover his
musical and professional entourage : as a member of Six
O'Clock Gang,  which brings together
rappers and slammers of all generations in Belgium.

Suspended moments, when creation and passion
reveal themselves as a possible professional career.
Here doubts, aspirations, determination, perseverance,
joy, dreams, desire and of course reality,
sometimes not in the way we hope or project.